Shtrefisto, KS 0

Active substance: mesotrione, 480 g/l

PURPOSE: Selective systemic herbicide for the control of annual and perennial dicotyledonous weed species on corn crops.

PRINCIPLE OF ACTION: Blocks the action of the important plant enzyme p-hydroxy-phenyl-pyruvate-dehydrogenase, which is natural for photosynthesis and blocks the synthesis of carotenoids in weed plants. Without carotenoids, light energy and by-products of photosynthesis destroy chlorophyll and cell membranes, resulting in rapid discoloration of leaves, followed by necrosis and death of weeds. The active substance quickly penetrates the plant through the leaves, roots and shoots, moves acropetally and basipitally and causes the growth of sensitive weeds to stop within 1-2 days after application and their complete destruction within 2 weeks.

ADVANTAGES: Controls weeds that are resistant to other herbicides (for example, black clover); prevents the emergence of resistance to drugs from the group of sulfonylureas; Effectively controls overgrown weeds. Wide window for application; high selectivity; Fast and prolonged action, which has an effect on the second wave of weeds.

APPLICATION FEATURES: It is not recommended to use insecticides based on organophosphorus compounds and thiocarbamates 7 days before or after using Shtefisto herbicide, KS. Do not use on corn crops whose seeds have been treated with insecticides based on phosphorous compounds. It is not recommended to mix with trace elements, in particular with zinc in any form. Under the condition of using Shtefisto, KS if there is a need to reseed corn (drought,
frost, soaking), corn can be sown immediately. In the autumn of the same year
it is possible to sow winter barley and wheat, ryegrass, as well as winter rape if there was
plowing was done. Next spring, after plowing, you can sow sunflower, soybean, sorghum,
rapeseed, alfalfa. Sensitive crops - beets (sugar, table, fodder), peas, you can
sow 18 months after using Shtefisto, KS. To control a wider range of weeds, Shtefisto, KS should be used in combination with Shtefanika, KS (cereal weed control). In the presence of overgrown weeds, it is recommended to use the drug Shtefisto, KS together with Shtilvet Super (at the rate of 0.05 l/100 l of working solution) to increase its effectiveness. Compatible with most drugs produced by DDE FARM AG. When using with drugs from other manufacturers, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary check on the compatibility of the components and the phytotoxicity of the mixture.

APPLICATION REGULATIONS: The highest efficiency is manifested in dry, warm weather. The drug cannot be used on hot days with strong solar radiation or when there is a danger of night frost. It is recommended to carry out spraying at temperatures from +12 to +25 ºС using ground equipment in the morning (before 10) and evening (after 18) hours with minimal air flows. Air speed during fine-droplet spraying should not exceed 3 m/s (m/s), with large-droplet spraying - 4 m/s (m/s). Immediately after each spraying, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the tank, main pipelines and nozzles with clean water. Do not spray on plants wet from rain or dew, or if precipitation is expected within the next 6 hours. Spraying of corn crops should be carried out in phases from 3 to 8 leaves inclusive.


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