Kaput, PK 0

Active substance: Isopropylamine salt of glyphosate, 480 g/l

PURPOSE: Systemic herbicide of continuous action against annual and perennial weeds. It is used as a desiccant on grain crops for pre-harvest drying of plants. The use of the drug allows you to significantly speed up and facilitate the harvesting process.

PRINCIPLE OF ACTION: Penetrates through the leaves and other green parts of the plant. It is transferred to all organs of the plant, including the root system, blocking the synthesis of amino acids. Plants die after 5-10 (up to 30) days, depending on weather conditions, the type of weeds and the age of the plants. The first signs of the herbicidal effect appear no earlier than after 3-4 days in the form of yellowing, then browning and wilting of the leaves. The herbicide has no soil activity and can be applied before sowing or before the appearance of crop seedlings.


completely destroys more than 100 types of annual and perennial dicotyledonous and grassy weeds;
short-term frosts do not reduce the herbicidal effect, provided that the leaf apparatus and the conducting system are not damaged by frost;
has no soil activity and aftereffect;
significant saving of labor and material resources;
a wide spectrum of action against weeds;
quickly decomposes in the soil into natural components.

APPLICATION FEATURES: The maximum effect is achieved in warm and dry weather and a sufficient level of soil moisture;
Do not apply the drug during or before probable precipitation;
The surface of the weed leaves should be sufficiently developed by the time of processing (average height of 10-20 cm for perennial cereals) for better absorption of the drug;
Do not allow the drug to get on the leaves and stems of cultivated plants;
Compatible with drugs produced by DDE FARM AG. When using with drugs from other manufacturers, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary check on the compatibility of the components and the phytotoxicity of the mixture.

APPLICATION REGULATIONS: The highest efficiency is manifested in dry, warm weather.
The drug cannot be used on hot days with strong solar radiation or when there is a danger of night frost. It is recommended to carry out spraying at temperatures from +10 to +25 ºС using ground equipment in the morning (before 10) and evening (after 18) hours with minimal air flows. The air speed during fine-droplet spraying should not exceed 3 m/s, with large-droplet spraying - 4 m/s. Do not spray on plants wet from rain or dew, or if precipitation is expected within the next 6 hours. Spraying should be carried out on growing weeds. On cereals - in the phase of waxy grain maturity.


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