Kaput Extra, PK 0

Active substance: glyphosate potassium salt, 663 g/l, in acid equivalent, 540 g/l

PURPOSE: It is used as a desiccant on grain crops for pre-harvest drying of plants. The use of the drug allows you to significantly speed up and facilitate the harvesting process.

PRINCIPLE OF ACTION: Penetrates into the plant through leaves and other green parts, non-scarring cuts. Blocks the synthesis of aromatic amino acids, which leads to the damage of growth points and the complete death of above-ground and underground organs.

ADVANTAGES: No restrictions on crop rotation; better control of hard-to-eradicate weeds; reduction of the waiting period from introduction to carrying out other technological operations; Better effectiveness in cold and dry conditions compared to isopropylamine salt of glyphosate; Safety for consumers and the environment;

APPLICATION FEATURES: It is necessary for the target plant to vegetate, as the product is systemic and it needs to penetrate living tissues to ensure the maximum effect of the drug. In case of weeding of crops with weeds with a persistent wax coating, it is necessary to add Stilvet Super adhesive (at the rate of 0.05 l/100 l of working solution) to increase efficiency. Spraying of grain ears should be carried out at a grain moisture content of no higher than 30%, and for corn - at a grain moisture content of no higher than 35% and under the condition of the presence of a "black speck". Compatible with most drugs produced by DDE FARM AG. When using with drugs from other manufacturers, it is necessary to conduct a preliminary check on the compatibility of the components and the phytotoxicity of the mixture.

APPLICATION REGULATIONS: The drug cannot be used on hot days with strong solar radiation or when there is a danger of night frost. It is recommended to carry out spraying at temperatures from +10 to +25 ºС using ground equipment in the morning (before 10) and evening (after 18) hours with minimal air flows. The air speed during fine-droplet spraying should not exceed 3 m/s (m/s), and for large-droplet spraying - 4 m/s (m/s). Immediately after each spraying, it is necessary to thoroughly wash the tank, main pipelines and nozzles with clean water. Do not spray on plants wet from rain or dew, or if precipitation is expected within the next 6 hours.


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